Course Goals

  • Understanding Inner Healing & Deliverance

    This course will give you a biblical understanding of inner healing and deliverance ministry and invite you to have your own journey of freedom.

  • Growth in the Anointing

    The Holy Spirit is inviting us to personally experience the anointing that heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free.

Topics Include:

  • What is Inner Healing ministry? What is Deliverance ministry?

  • Can Christians be demon possessed? Why or why not?

  • The anointing to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free.

  • Different methodologies for inner healing and deliverance, but one Holy Spirit.

  • Learning, experiencing, and ministering targeted points of freedom, such as: trauma, hate, occult, Jezebel, shame, rejection, slumber, and more.

  • Advances in Christian counseling and methods to release mental trauma and trauma from the body.

  • Pitfalls and mistakes to avoid in inner healing and deliverance ministry.

  • ...and much more!

12 Sessions Total

This course is NON-REFUNDABLE.

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Don’t miss this opportunity to grow, be challenged, develop community, and learn to effectively walk out the supernatural calling on your life.